Vintage & Vine Italian Wine Dinner
September 8, 2012 - 7:05pm
Rich Italian flavors and full-bodied wines designed to arouse the senses and tantalize the palate await guests at the Vintage & Vine Italian Wine Dinner on September 8, 2012, hosted by Celebrity Chef Mary Ann Espositio of Ciao Italia with Mary Ann EspositoTM, the nationally-televised PBS series that is America’s longest-running cooking show. Esposito, of Durham, presents a three-course dinner catered by The White Apron and sponsored by Banfi Wines in the Goodwin Garden at Strawbery Banke as part of the Vintage & Vine festivities. The dinner, which requires a separate ticket, takes place from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. and showcases the Italian flair of Chef Esposito’s new book, Ciao Italia Family Classics, which offers 200 time-honored recipes.
Vintage & Vine tickets are available for purchase online at
September 8th
Strawbery Banke Museum
14 Hancock Street
Portsmouth NH, 03801
Does Mary Ann ever get to the Pittsburgh, PA area? I would love to see her in person.
Our local TV station doesnt air her programs much as of late.