Of the short cuts of pasta, penne is preferred in Tuscany and there are endless, and easy, preparations for sauces for them. Penne al coccio is a favorite, usually made in some sort of cast iron, stovetop-to-table pan. I made this in Ralph Conte’s seaside Tuscan villa kitchen and he loved it so much that he asked if it could be a special on his restaurant menu!
This is a very rich first course; the sauce is made from cream, butter and truffle paste, all the elements for a company dish. Truffle paste is available in Italian specialty stores or online on the World Wide Web.
Your directions fail include instruction on the addition and cooking sequence of the peas. Would you add them along with the mushrooms to sauté prior to the addition of the pasta or would you add them at the end after the final cream since sauce since they are a fresh ingredient?
Your directions fail to include instruction on the addition and cooking sequence of the peas. Would you add them along with the mushrooms to sauté prior to the addition of the pasta or would you add them at the end after the final cream sauce since they are a fresh ingredient?