Holiday Cookies Without Boundaries

December 10, 2010

The Keebler cookie elves won’t be the only ones baking during the holiday season. Making cookies during the days leading up to Christmas consumes the time of many home bakers as well, especially if you are like me and you like to give sweet gifts from the kitchen.

This year I am paying particular attention to those folks on my list who are egg intolerant, and for whom  many holiday confections would just be off limits.

That got me thinking about cookies without eggs, and there are some really delicious ones that not even Scrooge would think that he was missing out on.

Here are three heirloom cookie recipes that have survived in my family through splattered notebooks and faded recipe cards. The fun for me has been in ressurecting them. Mom’s sour cherry cookies that I would snatch from the gleaming tins that she stored them in are one of my favorites, and the dough for them is made with sour cream, no eggs.

I also crave chocolate pepper cookies, or meatball cookies as they were called at home; they are very addicting and again, no eggs!

Nutty squares are just that, chock full of nuts with a crunchy, rich shortbread like texture, this cookie is a great keeper and perfect for mailing  to your most deserved friends. No eggs there either!

Isn’t it nice to know that even though some food boundaries can leave people feeling especially deprived during the holidays, you can still bake and give them cookies and they can eat them too! Happy Baking!

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