Liberty Journal Reviews Ciao Italia: My Lifelong Food Adventures in Italy

December 10, 2018

The Liberty Journal recently reviewed Mary Ann’s new book, Ciao Italia: My Lifelong Food Adventures in Italy. Here’s what they have to say: 

Tour of Italy | Cooking Reviews

Library Journal –

Esposito, Mary Ann. Ciao Italia: My Lifelong Food Adventures in Italy.Peter E. Randall. Nov. 2018. 400p. photos. index. ISBN 9781942155171. $39.95. COOKING

Esposito, a PBS host (Ciao Italia) and veteran author ( Ciao Italia Family Classics), combines “recipes and food experiences from all over the boot, along with stories that bring them to life.” Divided into courses, starting with antipasto and closing with sweets and fruit, dishes are presented in Italian alongside the English translation (i.e., minestra con pane sotto, soup with bread). Staples such as soup, rice, pasta, fish, meat, poultry, and salad, as well as side dishes such as pasta sauces and breads, join ziti con pomodori e melanzane alla Siciliana (ziti with tomatoes and eggplant, Sicilian style), vignarola (Roman-style spring vegetables), pesce al cartoccio (fish in paper) and tanti biscotti (a lot of biscotti). Esposito discuses common ingredients such as cheeses and olive oil and later explores the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and offers advice on bread making and starting a vegetable garden.

VERDICT With intriguing photos, Esposito shares her love of the food and culture of Italy. Can’t make it to Italy this year? This book is a great start.—­Barbara Kundanis, Longmont P.L., CO

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