Not Your Mom’s Succotash

February 7, 2023

You remember succotash, right? As a, kid this jumble of vegetables, usually corn, carrots, peas and broad beans was astable dinner table item and not my favorite but I sucked it up at mom’s command. Older and wiser now, I love succotash!  It is a perfect winter dish and I often add winter greens like Swiss chard but the new veggie in the bowl is dried and fried cruschi peppers.

Italian specialty stores like carries them and you can find them on line, These peppers are as dry as potato chips, mild in flavor and crumble easily. They come from the south of Italy, especially Puglia and are used in everything from scrambled eggs to, pasta and in this succotash dish that mom would love. The peppers are picked by hand and strung into large wreaths and placed under the summer sun for 20–25 days. When the peppers are dry as a bone, they are fried in oli until they turn deep red in color and are stored for winter use.

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