The Garden Sleeps - But Not For Long

February 1, 2009

Ah, February and the garden sleeps. Ours is covered in a nice white blanket of 18 inches of snow right now and the other day I inched my way up to it in my snowshoes just dreaming about spring and what I am planning on planting.

One nifty thing I bought Guy for Christmas was a cold frame for him to use to harden off warm weather seedlings before planting like peppers, tomatoes, eggplant and melon. The cold frame is also good for starting cold weather plants like radishes, lettuce, broccoli rape and spinach.

Using a cold frame can extend your garden season from 4 to 6 weeks! You can purchase cold frame kits at garden centers or on line or you could make one that is 3 x 6 or 4 x 6 in size. Make it with 1x 8 wood boards for the sides and use Plexiglas or construction grade plastic for the top.

My newest gardening motto is, “Start early and stay late!”

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