Tomato Know How

August 30, 2013

Tomato Know How

I am scrambling to process all the produce from my garden and today it is plum tomatoes; I grew Redorta, a really plump, meaty and heavy tomato. It is perfect for making tomato sauce. It pays to know which tomato variety to use in cooking and so many people tell me that their sauce is too watery and that they used beefsteak tomatoes which is strictly a salad tomato and too seedy and watery for making a good sauce. You can find the seeds for Redorta at

To make a simple Neapolitan no meat tomato sauce simply skin and seed 10-12 plum tomatoes. Set aside. In a saucepan heat 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil; add two cloves garlic in thin slices and let it wilt but not brown. Squeeze in the tomatoes with your hands; add salt and cook for about 20 minutes. Add chopped fresh basil just before serving. Fresh, fast, delicious and authentic.

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