Little Wine Cookies / Biscottini al Vino
Makes 3 1/2 Dozen
Mandorlini del Ponte are meringue cookies loaded with almonds that I enjoyed at Bar Centro Storico in Ferrara and according to Ennio Occhiali, the bar’s owner, these are heirloom cookies of the area that are no longer made at home. Mandorlini del Ponte takes its name from a bridge in the port town of Pontelagoscuro, which loosely translated means bridge of the dark lake. Take care when making these cookies; they should be dry and crackly, a texture that is achieved by whipping the egg whites in a bowl over simmering water.
This recipe was featured on Season 14 - Episode 1413.
Just found your recipe for Almond Meringue CookiesMandorlini del Ponte. How do you make a similar chocolate bakery cookie. I don’t know the name but is a crunchy,nutty meringue cookie.