Irish Cream Coconut Macaroons

March 17, 2022

While traveling around the western coast of Ireland and the Wild Atlantic Way, I stopped to have lunch at a farmhouse café. It was cute as a button and so pastoral that I wanted to stay all day but there was ground to cover. On my way out, I spied the most gorgeous looking coconut macaroons I have ever seen sitting near the register. They were plump, shaped like little hay stacks and had been baked until they were deep golden brown. I couldn’t resist. Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, they were my idea of a perfect macaroon.

Since then, I dreamed about those macaroons, scoured Irish cookbooks for the recipe, even called my friend Mary O’Leary in Dublin to get me the recipe from the farm. She called. No dice. So I improvised from my recollections on how they tasted and came up with my own version.

Get my recipe for Bailey’s Irish Cream Coconut Macaroons here.

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